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A Message From Author

Ibrahim Adorer
3 Talks

Assalamu Alaikum, It's Mohammad Ibrahim from Dhaka, Bangladesh. Now I'm in (*). I'm a student as well as A web designer and developer. I've completed my HSC exam last year (2021). Currently I'm studying at Tejgaon College under NU in CSE (Computer Science and Engineering) Department as a 1st year Student.

This is my personal blog and portfolio, Insallah where I'll write articles about learning components, knowledge and skills that I have. My thoughts, opinions and criticizes will be place here also. Beside, Islamic contents and knowledge, information's, will take place here and I'll share it to everyone for spreading Islam. My projects and creativities, graphical skills will be reflect here.

Here will be another section, named Shop where I'll try to sell my little or big projects and products. It will be good for both me and my visitor's to get a best item at this place.

As a web designer and developer, Insallah you can do your any kinds of small or medium projects by me and I'll try to provide you my best services for your total satisfaction.

Since it is my personal blog, so you can download my resume here. I hope that Insallah I can put my steps among people and will make a good use of this site as an asset.

It's () and now () You're Reading this article. I hope that you can help me to do something better in these fields (Mentioned Above). You can share your thoughts and ideas with me. Also can share these articles among People, especially the most valuable Islamic Articles. Because it will be better for you, me and the people who will read these, and for the sake of spreading Islam. জীবন, স্বাধীনতা এবং দৈহিক নিরাপত্তায় প্রত্যেকের অধিকার আছে। কা‌উকে অধীনতা বা দাসত্বে আবদ্ধ করা যাবে না। সকল প্রকার ক্রীতদাস প্রথা এবং দাসব্যবসা নিষিদ্ধ করা হবে। কা‌উকে নির্যাতন করা যাবে না; কিংবা কারো প্রতি নিষ্ঠুর, অমানবিক বা অবমাননাকর আচরণ করা যাবে না অথবা কা‌উকে এহেন শাস্তি দেওয়া যাবে না। আ‌ইনের সামনে প্রত্যেকের‌ই ব্যক্তি হিসেবে স্বীকৃতি লাভের অধিকার আছে। আ‌ইনের চোখে সবা‌ই সমান এবং ব্যক্তিনির্বিশেষে সকলে‌ই আ‌ইনের আশ্রয় সমানভাবে ভোগ করবে। এ‌ই ঘোষণা লঙ্ঘন করে এমন কোন বৈষম্য বা বৈষম্য সৃষ্টির প্ররোচনার মুখে সমান ভাবে আশ্রয় লাভের অধিকার প্রত্যেকের‌ই আছে।

He who called (people) to righteousness, there would be reward (assured) for him like the rewards of those who adhered to it, without their rewards being diminished in any respect. And he who called (people) to error, he shall have to carry (the burden) of its sin, like those who committed it, without their sins being diminished in any respect.

[Sahih Muslim: Hadith 2674]

*N.B. All the dates are automatically updated.


Last updated: 2022-11-12T17:02:14+06:00
Ibrahim Adorer 

Assalamu Alaikum, It's Md. Ibrahim. Web Designer and Developer. I'm expert in Creating All Types of Templates and Web Projects. Besides, Creating Small Software is Passion.


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  1. https://codepen.io/collection/nZKBZe/

  2. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/75608255/show-hide-html-code-based-on-keywords-not-working

    1. What is this link and why did you shared in comment section ?

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